Friday, June 27, 2008

Weigh Day Week 8

Well Here it is..

Last week weight loss -5lbs

This weeks weight Loss another ...-5lbs

Grand Total weight loss ....-61 lbs!!!!!!!!!!

Monthly average weight loss ...-30.5lbs

YIPPIE!!!! I am on melting away !! I am so glad and really starting to see a difference in my clothes and in my body. I have noticed that my knees are not hurting as bad as they used too, that I can actually kneel down and not need a fork lift to get me back My constant heart burn is gone and I have noticed that my complexion is getting a much healthier looking tone and the acne is diminishing since I am no longer eating such crappy food. As a matter fact I even mentioned to my sister this morning that eating has kind of become a kind of hassle...( Boy that is a definite switch) It is just that I have to chew, chew, and chew my food, take really small bites and wait between every bite if I don't do those things it balls up in my stomach pouch and creates havoc, pain, nausea and vomiting. So eating now takes forever and well me and my new body have got things to do.. So I find that I really have to force myself to remember to eat and when I do eat, I eat really high protein foods that I can eat easily like cheese sticks, & deli turkey.. You roll them up together and it is a meal on the go.

For other news, and I must be on some major drugs to do this but I am (Healthier Chell you will be proud) going to do a "Go with the Flow" 5K Fun Run or Walk for Disaster Relief. It is a race for donations only to go to the American Red Cross. This is part of the Crim Fitness Foundation and should get me motivated for the race on July 12th that I am signed up for.. I have really been slacking big time on my training for that race so this one tomorrow will probably kill me but I am hoping that it will also get me back in the swing of things.

I also finished getting my pool up last night and am now in the process of getting it filled. I have to do it in stages as I have well water and don't want to strain my pump too much but I figure it will be full by Saturday afternoon sometime and I will be able to start enjoying summer swim fun..

Everyone have a great weekend.. and on Monday I will have some updated photos for you.

Take care, MEchele


Healthy Chelle said...

That's right girl! Get your butt in gear!

You're doing wonderful!

Let me know how your race goes!

Anonymous said...

You are right the pounds are melting away. I am so proud you went and did the 5K with me today. YOU DID GREAT!!!! the next one will be easier, I Promise... Keep up the good work.