Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm back

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. I am not sure why that is or whether it is a good thing or a bad thing but whatever the reason I am back posting today. Allot has been going with me some good, nothing too bad but mostly my life is kinda in limbo right now. My weight loss has pretty much completely stalled for the moment or for the past 1-1/2 months and for the most part that is pretty much my fault. I have not been eating the healthiest things out there and I have certainly not done any exercise at all. I need to really start to focus on what is going on with that as I am now starting to wonder if I will ever reach my goal. I am already 9-1/2 months out of surgery and they say that the most weight loss comes off in the first year. I am down 124lbs so far but really need or want to lose another 30lbs if not a little more, so close but yet so far.. It kinda gets a bit depressing when I think about the fact that I have lost so much weight already but yet in others eyes and well my own I am still considered fat. I need to really focus my efforts and let go of all the other shit that rambles thru my brain. So with that being said tomorrow is a new day and we will again make that resolution to do and eat all the right things. But with that being said how much of my issues resolve around my weight? It is easy for me to think that if I could just be thin life would be perfect but it is not all wrapped up in that and that is another thing I need to figure out. Just what is gonna make me happy or am I destined to be the same doom and gloom person I feel like right now.

Well lets talk about the personal life for a bit. I did get a new job it could be just a temporary job for a year but heck we all know allot can happen in a year. It is a new position that I am trying to create so it is a bunch of hard work and kinda overwhelming at times but it is in the construction industry and well I have always been better at that kinda stuff then anything else. ****************************************************************************************
Well here it is Tuesday night now and I started writing this See what I mean I just don't focus on stuff like I used to.. Sunday I was so PMSing and that always messes with my mind... I hate being a women at that time of the month.. But anyways I am feeling better today not so gloomy not so depressing. I really am doing good, things are looking up and I am really looking forward to the summer. I still have yet to find anyone remotely close to being Mr. Right for me but I have been giving it my best shot...have met some real Here is some highlights

Rich & Hank - While both of these guys are very nice and would pursue something with either one they are either just looking for friendship or super slow in the romance dept But either way they need to shit or get off the pot .

Rich#2 - He is looking for friends with benefits...

Rich # 3 - He just plain ole stood me up and so that makes him total loser and a waste of flesh

Chris - He was a good potential but ruined it the next day after our first date by being way too pushy.. I think his medication wore off or something.. lol

Dan - Never met him but our first conversation was a real winner.. He started off by telling me he was a sniper that was contracted by the state of Michigan to take out whatever targets that needed to be taken out in whatever city that could not afford a swat team...then proceeded to tell me that he was an assassin in the US army and that he had all these top secret missions ( but yet he did all this and got all this security clearance and he only served 4 years) then proceeded to tell me that he also owned 3 businesses and was related to just about every important person around and last but not least he knew, because the government told him, that by the year 2012 the USA would be in one big civil war with each other... and best of all this man lived like 2 miles away from me.. lol.. Wow such an important person living in my little town of Otisville, MI. It makes me feel so much better knowing that someone so important lives so close... NOT!!! Can you say Physco.. He is the one that you read about who goes off the deep end.

Jason - Mr. 3rd date rule -- Why do I call him that ?? Well he came right out and told me when he asked me out for a 3rd date that if I did not put out we were Wrong thing to say to I mean come on, have some tack even if that is what you think don't say it out loud. People like me who are very stubborn would not put out even if I wanted to after a comment like that

Then the best loser for last --- that would be Robert ... he was about 15 years older looking then his picture, about 75 lbs heavier also. He was 20 minutes late for our date and that was after I spoke with him on the phone and he told me he lived 5 minutes away and was leaving right then. He then proceeded to tell me and as he said he wanted to be honest (even though I had been talking to him for like a month before I met him) That he had trouble in the past and had just got his driver license back after 10 years of not having it and had to blow every time he started the car. AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST..... I only thought this happened on TV.... He "Forgot" his Can you believe it.. I should have said Oh well so sorry but I am too nice a person to do that.. And after all that he really thought he was gonna have a shot at seeing me Well I had to tell him that 1st impressions mean a bunch and well his first impression was pretty bad..

So that is it right now on the man thing Unless you count Allen.. He is someone I have been talking to and emailing for a couple of weeks. Have not met him yet but seems nice, I just really have no expectations anymore as one never knows just what you will find when you meet for the 1st time.. and that is even if you end up meeting.. Everyone seems to talk allot of shit and unfortunately that is all it ends up being..shit..

So as I said before I am just gonna take it all in stride and see what happens.. hey if anything it has definitely given me a few laughs from time to time..

as far as anything else goes I just have been busy.. with work and life!! I have done quite a bit of snowmobiling the past month (although the snow is gone hoo) and also my uncle was sick for quite awhile and I was looking after all his horses and stuff not to mention one of my horse got injured and required constant attention for what was about 3 weeks, he almost lost his eyesight in one eye but all is very well with him now so that is a good thing.. I have done a bit of drinking also over the last 6 weeks, some a bit crazy and some just social but nothing that I think is effecting me badly. I still have not had any sugar and remain completely committed to that, I have been taking my vitamins regularly and must have increased my protein intake enough as my hair has stopped falling out.

Well I guess that is it for now, I am sure I left out a ton of crap but well I am lucky I even remember as much as I have.

Talk to you all soon and think thin.. Mechele

Friday, January 9, 2009

I know I am sorry

I have been terrible about posting and I am sorry. I have no idea why that is but I really need to get my butt in gear and get back in the swing of things. I seem to be falling off the wagon on quite a few things lately, foods & drinking being the biggest. My weight seems to be at a stand still right now but I am sure that is because of the poor food choices I have been making I have been fluctuating the same 3 lbs for what seems like over a month. I guess the stand still is to be expected as I have lost so much already that it is bound to start to taper off and slow down. I know from talking to people that this happens quite often and to not worry about it as the weight will start coming off again of course I also have to get back to making the right food choices.

Right now as of today's weigh in I am still at an even 120lbs gone. Exactly 20 more lbs till I reach my goal and will be happy, but another 50lbs and I will be ecstatic.. It seems like such a small amount compared to what I have already lost but it definitely seems the hardest of all.

So how was every ones New Years. Mine was great, TN was a fun time as usual, got very drunk which is probably a bad But it happens so quickly now that it just kinda creeps up on you and the next thing you know I am slurring my words and giggling like an But it was fun never the less and am looking forward to doing it again. On my flight back to Michigan it was overbooked and I volunteered to get bumped so I was given a $300.00 voucher to fly again sometime so I already have my next plane ticket bought and I can't wait to use it again. Also if you remember from my last post I mentioned that this was the first flight in a long time that I would not be stressing over fitting in the plane seat and you know what... I fit with plenty of room!!!It was kinda funny because I kept looking at the seats thinking that they were bigger then I also was able to walk down the Isle without having to be turn sideways and not bumping everyone in the isle seats as I went along.

SO what about every ones New Years resolutions.. I have to say that I did not make any because we all know that they only last for a few weeks anyways so why bother. I figure I am just gonna continue to focus on me and keep doing the best I can everyday and go from there. I have had tons of changes this past year and I think I am on enough overload that I do not need to add anything else to it.

Now on to the dating scene. Been talking to a bunch of guys, met a new one last night but I don't know if I will see him again or not. He did not seem to interested in me but after he left the bar I met another guy maybe he will call. I am not stressing about the men thing any longer what happens will happen and I am going with the flow.. Last night when I went out I got tons of compliments and well quite frankly I thought I looked pretty darn hot.. and any man should have loved to have me by there side so as far as I am concerned right now it is there loss..

Well I guess that is it for now. I will try and keep up with my postings from now on. I really have no excuse.

Take care... Mechele