Thursday, July 31, 2008

New Size !

Well I decided to be brave this morning and see if any of my old size 20 clothes fit and guess what?? They DID !!! Yippie!!!! How very exciting I am now able to wear all the clothes in my closet that I bought a few years ago. So I am gonna officially declare that I have now dropped another size..

Pants size now Size 20 (Start Size 28)
Shirts size now Size 18/20 (Start Size 26/28)

I am very thrilled with this because I have allot of cute clothes in the closet that I have not been able to wear, specially shirts. Although I will admit that they don't fit quite the same as they did before. When I lost the weight last time I was really working out everyday for at least an hour I was getting ready for my vacation of a lifetime to Australia. I did not realize just how much that exercise can sculpt your body. So with that being said I am gonna really try and focus on getting back into a complete exercise routine. Don't get me wrong I do exercise now but I am not as strict about it as I was several years ago. ( and even without all the exercise my size 20 clothes still look good on)

I am going to get my blood work done today, I am kinda nervous about the results of it. I know I have been screwing up with taking my protein and calcium.. I don't do it intentionally but I guess it is because I feel really good and don't think about it. I have no problem taking my vitamins and stuff every morning but after that it just seems to go down hill. You are supposed to space everything out accordingly at different times through out the day but that is so easier said then done. Because of the way my body absorbs minerals now I can't just take everything all in the morning together. Vitamins have to be taking several hours apart from calcium because supposedly if taken together it will not absorb in my system as much and that also goes the same with the protein. So this is something I really need to start focusing on, I would hate to have complications later because of vitamin deficiency's

Everyone have a great day today and check in tomorrow for my weigh in but don't be too surprised if there is not a big loss or even possibly a gain.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pre- weigh day

Hello All. Kinda a short post today, once again I have to go to a 2nd job because as I stated in the past the mortgage business is pretty tough right now and a girl has to do what a girl has to do..

I did a no-no yesterday and weighed myself. I have received my monthly visitor and I wanted to see what my weight was before its full fledged arrival as I am sure on weigh day Friday I will not be marking any weight loss at all. As of yesterday morning I was down another 2lbs bringing my weight loss to a total of 74lbs. That is great news!!! I have now officially lost all the weight I had lost a couple of years ago and am now starting on the additional 17lbs that I had gained on top of that. I am very excited by this as I am now officially working on extra pounds. Slowly but surely I am getting the weight off. My goal is to have that additional 17lbs gone in 3 weeks and that I hit the 100lb mark by the time I go on my horse trip on Sept 10th, I do not know if I am being realistic or not but I guess time will tell.

Otherwise I am feeling good. Still need to pick it up on my water and protein intake and If I don;t I am sure that the doctors office will be giving me a big lecture.

Good intentions.. I have been doing pretty good about it. Accomplishing maybe 1.2 of what I set out to do everyday but 1/2 is way more then what I was doing so it really is an accomplishment. This week again I am focusing on outdoors yard work. I have a list that needs to be done by the end of the week and I am actually moving forward on it.

Hope everyone has a great day!... Talk to you all soon

Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's a new week to start fresh

As I said last week I wake up and think this is a new week to start fresh and get things accomplished. So once again I am gonna make it a goal to get some good intentions done. Every week I hope that it becomes easier and easier to become more focus and get my act together for lack of better words. I have so much to do to the next couple months and allot of things to get accomplished and I am looking forward to being active.

My weekend went well, I accomplished some thing for my mom at her home up north. My cousin Dawn was driving up to go to a baby shower on Saturday so I drove along with her. She dropped me off at my moms and picked me up later in the day.. It was great for me as I got to see my mom, help her with some stuff and saved on gas money going. On Sunday I got lots of exercise walking around an 80-acre flea market, did not really buy anything other then $7.00 worth of John Wayne stuff ( My hero ) but it was good exercise and got me out for a while. Of course doing that did not get any of my own house/yard work done but again this is a new week, a fresh start!!!

I am feeling pretty good, Still getting a bit tired and still having some weird dizzy spells but they are not getting any worse so that is a good thing.. As I said before I am due for blood work so that will tell if I am low on any levels. I am really gonna focus on getting my protein in this week, I really have been slacking on it and I think my hair has started to fall out some. It is not something that I can see as happening drastically but I am noticing when I wash it that it is feeling like it is thinning a bit. I can afford to lose some hair but I don't want to lose to much. I am also gonna really focus on getting my daily water in as I have been slacking on that also. It is so weird that eating and drinking have become a hassle to me. Total switch from my pre-surgery days. Although the drinking is mostly a problem to me because I have really never been a big water drinker I usually always drank Diet Coke and let me tell you I have been having big problems lately not drinking it. It is odd to me that I really am craving a diet coke, you would think that after 3 months I would be fine with it but yet every time I see soda it is all I can do to stay away from it. It is truly one of the only things I really miss. My mom asked me this weekend if I had any regrets about having the surgery, I told her absolutely NOT but I did miss my diet coke and that was the only thing.. SO I guess if you look at the big picture that is a very small price to pay for having health back !!

Anyways, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend... Happy Monday

PS.. for those of you who live in my area Cheap Gas alert.. 3.54 a gallon at Dort hwy & Mt Morris Road..

Friday, July 25, 2008

Weigh Day - Week 12

Well I broke the 60's and am now in the 70 zone..

Last weeks weight loss -4.5lbs for a total of -69.lbs

This weeks weight Loss -3lbs for a grand total so far of -72lbs gone

Not bad, not bad at all... I was actually a little worried that it would be an even smaller number then that so I am please. I actually ate more this week then I have in the past so I thought that it may effect me but thankfully it did not.

Today's post is gonna be a little short as I have to work a different job today.. The mortgage business is pretty tight right now, so if you are thinking about refinancing or buying a new home be sure to let me know and I will help you out!!.. ( sorry a little business plug there!)

How did everyone's good intentions go for the week? I am sorry to say that mine did not go so well. I did really try but apparently accountability does not even help me all that much.. I have other theory's as to why I never get stuff done but I am going to leave that theory to myself and see if I can figure out a way to get a handle on it. But in the meantime I am gonna keep doing the 1 a day list, hopefully I will eventually get it right and get it done. This week was not a total loss I did get more accomplished then I probably would have without the the list and accountability so maybe as more time goes by I will get it right.

I have been feeling pretty good still, however I have been getting very tired and been having a few dizzy spells but I don't really feel that they are anything serious. I have been kinda slacking on my protein and water intake so I am sure that probably has something to do with it and will make sure I correct that. I am due for some blood work so I will get that done and make sure everything is good.

Last night I ate some watermelon it was so tasty and I have had it before and had no problems. However I must have ate to fast or too much or both because I had major issues with it. Probably one of the worst I have ever had since the surgery.. It is funny sometimes when I am eating or whatever I wonder if the surgeon actually did anything but then all of sudden something happens like last night and I can say YUP I definitely had some surgery ..

Well anyways gotta scoot.. I hope everyone has a great weekend..

Talk to you soon

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

3 month aniversary

Can you believe it !!!! It seems like I waited so long for this to happen and then BAM it is 3 months later. I am now officially off all food restrictions with the exception of sugar and carbonated beverages. Those are something I am NEVER supposed to have again.. and I am gonna make sure that I don't. Honestly though I don't think that they will bother me but I don't want to find out because I know if I do find out that I can tolerate it I will just be opening the door to sabotaging myself and I don't want that to happen, so I am just gonna keep on assuming that I will get sick if I eat or drink any of it.

Anyways here is a list of some of the major changes that have effected me since my surgery.

1) I have now kicked the fast food and Diet Coke habit.. I have not had either in 3 month & 2 weeks.!!
2) My feet/knees no longer pain me, I can actually walk, run, have fun and work for much longer periods of time without having to deal with the major pain.
3) I am feeling better about myself
4) I am so starting to look forward to all the things that I will be able to do without the fear and embarrassment of being too fat.
5) I can see now see food and be near people eating food and NOT feel like I have to eat it.
6) I am now the one at the kitchen table who eats less then everyone else, Including my very petite sister-in-law Nan.
7) My smaller clothes are fitting again. Not all yet but most
8) I am wearing shorts again in public which is something I tried very hard not to do when I was at my heavier weight.
9) I can actually bend down now and tie my shoes, the bow is actually in the center rather then off to the side because of having to sit down and swing my legs up.

and the top 10 change is

10) I can wipe my butt without breaking into a sweat !!! lol..
Yup I know you really wanted to hear that... lol... but the reality is when you are fat even the daily things like shoe tying and butt wiping are a struggle. Things other people just take for granted and never even have to think about are a major issues with the morbidly obese. I just thought I would put that in for a shock factor, to make people realize that being fat effects everything right down to the smallest issues.

Now on to my good intentions.. I wrote 2 days ago that my good intention was to get my front weeds done and I have to say I sorta cheated on that. I started out on them and then I actually got my cousin to help me out with it also. He, however, did not get it finished so I will HAVE to get it done by tomorrow morning. SO it is my intention that I must finish it today along with getting at least 1/2 of my grass cut!!

How are you guys doing with your good intentions? I look forward to hearing about how you did.

Everyone have a great day !!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

my life is becoming more active

I just hope I can make myself keep up.. It has seemed that the more weight I lose, the more I am wanting to do.. That of course is a good thing. My problem, however, is that I want to do fun things rather then work things.. But I guess who wouldn't prefer fun over work. I have planned a cool trip to a Wranglers campground in KY. We are going to meet my cousins Brent & Joyce there for a long weekend. ( Healthier Chelle be sure to come to if you can Sept 11-14th) I am bringing my horses and am really looking forward to it. This will actually be my first major horse trip ever.. I have allot of work to do between now and then not to mention I better try and save some money or I won't be going at all. ( Big Garage sale to be announced)

This weekend was pretty good if you take out the rain part of it. My brother & his family came over and we went fishing.. Of course it was redneck fishing.. We got this brilliant idea that we would launch my moms boat in my pond out back and go fishing, now for those of you who don't know My pond is not that big, the boat was not even able to turn around in the pond, you either had to go in reverse or forward.. it was too funny.. Just picture it, this 16' fiberglass boat in the middle of this little pond with 4 people in it fishing.. Talk about redneck !! But hey I caught the biggest

As for my good intentions.. I wrote last week that my good intention was to get my house cleaned. I had a bunch of issues pop up that day but I did get my house pretty clean, I ended up staying up till about 130 am to do it but at least I got it done...However you would not know it now, as a clean house does not seem to last long with me. My next good intention is a big one.. and this is gonna be a 2 day good intention and that is to get the front flower beds of my house weeded, they are absolutely full of weeds and my mother is gonna kill me if she see its. So this is a MUST DO intention.. It was suggested to me by leigh Ann that accountability is a good way to get intentions accomplished. SO by me telling you about my intentions it forces me to get them done as I certainly don't want to look like a schmuck to you my readers.

I hope everyone had a great weekend... Talk to you soon

Friday, July 18, 2008

Weigh Day Week 11

Last weeks weight loss -5.5lbs for a total of -64.5lb loss

This weeks weight LOSS -4.5 lbs

Total weight LOSS so far -69lbs...

YIPPIE !!!!! Although it seems like I have been in the 60's for quite a while now so I am gonna work real hard this week to break that mark.

Also, and this is something I have not really spoke about before but back a couple of years ago I dropped some weight,I did not drop as much as I wanted (at that time it was 74lbs that I lost) and I obviously gained it all back PLUS an additional 17 lbs. It has been very important to me to lose that weight again because that is when I will start feeling like I am losing weight.. Does that make any sense to you?? To me that is when I will start feeling like this surgery is helping me even more then it already has. I guess it is because of the fact that I was that weight not so long ago and when I get over that mark I will start feeling like I am entering a new phase. I am very excited for that day to come and it is only 22lbs away. Of course it would only be 4lbs away if I had not gained that additional 17lbs but I can't change what is and can only go forward.

Of course, now after I speak about all this weight loss I must confess that last night I cheated slightly.. Not a big cheat but it certainly was not my best choice in foods but oh did it taste so GOOOOOOD.. I had my first slice of real pizza from Pizza Hut. Now keep in mind I ate mostly the top off it and hardly any of the crust and I probably can't even say I ate 1 whole piece but boy that hot melted cheese, with fresh mushrooms and ham was absolutely heaven!!!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend. Don't forget to write down a good intention today and stick to it. Mine is to actually get my house cleaned, this is a rather big intention but if I just get it over and done with I can enjoy the weekend and get some other intentions done.

Talk to you soon

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Good Intentions

Everyone has them but do you all follow thru?? I thought I would write about Good Intentions this morning because it has been on my mind allot lately. It seems like I have a ton of good intentions yet am never able to follow through for some reason or another. Every week I wake up and say this is a new week/Day, a new beginning, a fresh start but for some reason the good intentions don't happen. Am I Lazy?, Not motivated? Not focused? Procrastination? What is it????? I write lists, I try to focus but it just doesn't seem to happen. For instance this week I woke up with the good intentions to start fresh, get organized, focus on all work outdoors, exercise, clean house, go to my support groups, etc. and here it is Thursday already and well I am not much further ahead then I was and when I get something done it seems like something else happens and sends me 2 steps back

As much as I try I just don't understand what my friggin problem is and since I don't understand why I am/ get like this I don't know how to fix it. One possible suggestion is that I am just stuck in the ho-hum-drum of life, stuck in my rut and can't get out. I get very lonely sometimes and well I think I live Vicariously through the lives of people on TV.. I am by myself much of the time with the exceptions of my animals and well as much as I love them the conversations are usually one sided. I do have friends but they all have there own lives or significant others/family so they are not always able to be around and not to mention my closest and bestest friend.. FOOD... is no longer available for me to fall back on. Of course, this is just probably one of many possible reasons that I have trouble with following through with my good intentions and still does not get me any closer to solving the problem.

So what about you all???. What do you do to follow thru with your good intentions. Maybe a few suggestions from my readers will my get my butt motivated and in gear.

**** CHALLENGE****

Every morning when you wake up write ONE thing down on a piece of paper that you want to accomplish that day. Make it something that you would normally not do but have been wanting to accomplish, like clean a closet, organize your junk drawer or fix the lawnmower (that is on my list) ... Try to do this for a week and see if you find that it helps you. I am certainly gonna try it and see what happens. Next week I will ask you to tell me about what you have accomplished as well as share with you what I have done.

Good luck

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Beef, Beef, Its what you eat!!!

Oh How I love BEEF!!!! Last night I had a couple of friends over for dinner (Rich &Wayne) It was Rich's birthday so I made his favorites which happened to be meatloaf and brussel Sprouts. I know, strange combo but actually they are my favorites also so it certainly was not a hardship for me. Now as you all know I am not supposed to eat beef until 3 months out but I decided to go ahead and give it a try, and man oh man did it taste good. It was my first taste of either foods since before my surgery. The only bad thing was that I could not eat much of it. I had 2 small bites of meatloaf and 2 brussel sprouts and I was done. Unfortunately today the brussel sprouts are causing me havoc. I have found now, as this confirms it, that most green veggies, broccoli, asparagus, brussel Sprouts do not agree with me so I can say that I won't be eating too many of them in the near future anymore.

This morning I really had to fight the urge to not weigh myself .. I don't know about you all but being that I have fought the battle of the bulge for so long I am pretty in tune with my body and my weight. I can tell when I dropped a pound or two and this morning I was feeling pretty good about it. It took all I had to stay off the scale so I am thinking that Fridays weigh in should be a good one. (I hope anyways)

Now that the race is finally over I have to find new things to focus on. I did decide that I will do the 1 mile crim race on the 23rd and I guess my mom is gonna do it also. (good for her) But I still need to find something else to focus on and to get my exercise. This week I decided that I am gonna try to focus on all outdoor work.. I have borrowed my uncles tractor and have brush hogged my back pasture and I have a ton of other work that needs to be done, such as fence mending and weed pulling, this I think will give me good exercise and on the days that are not so hot I might try a little walk/running. But it is my understanding that the weather is supposed to get kinda hot this week so if that is the case running will not happen. I have no problem getting all sweaty and smelly working outside but doing exercise is a whole other ballgame for me. I am just an outdoors, country girl at heart and enjoy working outdoors.

*** this just in*** My sister just mentioned a 5k race on Thursday .. And strike me down I am actually thinking about doing it..

Monday, July 14, 2008

Race day is Over

Well the big race was this past Saturday, I am not exactly sure what my time was but I know I came in slightly faster then the huckleberry Hustle. It was very hard for me, thankfully I had a good support Group to get me through the rough spot.. Thanks to all of you who stuck by me. I am not sure as to whether or not I will keep running, it is kinda strange as much as I hate it, I feel a Slight draw to it specially when I see all the people who run constantly and see what their bodies look like. I want a body like that!!!! I keep thinking that the more I run the easier it will get but it has been the exact opposite, it keeps getting harder. So I think I will cut out the race thing and just do the running at my own pace and distances for awhile and maybe work up to doing a 5k again. Doing the race thing really gets me upset, I really never though that I was that competative of a person but I guess I am. It really bothers me to see people passing me up, you can tell me all day long about how I am only doing it to prove something to myself, but my mind just does not work that way.

Also... A Kudos to Rena' for completing her first 10K .... in an 1 Hour and 26 minutes, I think...YEAH !!!!!

I also have to say that on Saturday afternoon I went to a wedding. I actually had to go out and buy a new outfit as I really had nothing to wear. Either all my clothes are too big or just slightly too small and I have to say that I looked HOT!!!! (at least I think I did) I felt really good about myself and was kinda bummed that it was a short wedding and reception and I got home rather early. I would have loved to have gone out on the town and displayed my confidence a little further. I am still in a size 22 on pants so that 7 pound rule is not exactly true for me but It will get down eventually. I have a whole closet full of size 20 clothes so for that I will be set and then won't have to buy new clothes for a while.

I hope all of you had a very nice weekend. Take care and I will talk to you later

Friday, July 11, 2008

Weigh day Week 10

Well I did better then last week .. Thank God.

Last week - Weight GAIN of 2 lbs - Total loss was -59lbs

This week - Weight LOSS of -5.5lbs - Total loss so far -64.5lbs

Well last night my sister & I did the 5k Huckleberry Hustle .. What an experience that was.. I know I am gonna sound like a big fat whiner here but I can't help it. This is the way I feel/felt and I must be honest on this blog. It was a miserable experience for me. The weather was muggy and hot which anyone who knows me knows that I can't stand hot weather. The course was 80% running on grass trails (uneven ground) with a mix of gravel/sand in areas and some dirt roads. Running on the grass was not easy for me, and I swear it felt like it was weighing me down, my stride is not the biggest and I don't really pick up my feet too high so every step in the grass felt like it was catching my feet and weighing them down. I also made the mistake of drinking a protein shake before the race, this caused me incredible gut problems. Won't be doing that anymore.

The race really did nothing but make me very depressed, I was trying my hardest and yet it was like I was standing still. People who were as overweight as I and people who were much older then me were passing me up . I have to admit that after the race I even cried a bit because I was miserable and upset that I did not do very good, in fact my time was worse then other times I have had. I am sure that the only problem I am facing is the problem that I am having with myself and my mind. I get frustrated that I can't do things and it depresses me badly because in my mind there should be no reason that I can't do it. In my mind I am already a perfect size 10 and when I get knocked back to reality it hurts. I Know, I know I should be thinking other ways, that it is a great accomplishment that I finished etc, etc. and not to mention that I really went about this whole running thing the wrong way.. I mean I went from doing regular walking down the road no fuss, no muss walking, to doing a 5k race. I kinda skipped all the training in the middle and just jumped in. I think that after this weekends race if I decide to keep trying to do this running stuff(and believe me when I say the jury is still very out on this) that I will revamp my training, start doing a things in a little bit of a different way and work up to the big stuff, maybe by doing that I will feel better about what I am doing. I mean having little bits of successful accomplishments would be better then having large letdowns.

Well anyways Thanks for letting me babble on and complain.. ( I really don't like to be this whiny) Tomorrow will be another race day and of course I will do my best and I promise that I won't complain.

Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Poor Dog ...

He is in worse shape then I am.. This morning I decided to get myself motivated and go for a walk/run. I have found that from the end of my driveway to the main road is exactly one mile. So I decided that I would do that 2 mile trek this morning with jogging every other mailbox. My trusty dog, whom always wants to go with me where ever that is, came along. I do believe if he could talk he would have told me to go get the truck and come pick him up. He did great the first mile but on the way home he was fizzling out. By the time I got 1/2 way back he was trailing me by at least 8 feet and by the time I made it to the end of my driveway he was lagging behind almost the whole length of the leash which is 20 feet. It was very odd that I had to give motivational pep talks to my dog.. lol.. But on the other hand maybe that means that I am getting in better shape.

Over the weekend we had our mock race at the park to get ready for this race coming up on July 12th. Everyone was very supportive of me and let me set the pace which I was VERY grateful for. I know that I slowed them down but I at least did it with minimal complaining. My cousin Healthier Chelle had me say "Size 10" whenever I got tired and wanted to say "I can't" While I did not say it as much as I thought I would I did say it a few times.

The jury is still very out with me on this running thing. I really am not sure I like it enough to continue on after this weekend. I would like to say that I will, but in all honesty I am not sure. I think that most everyone will agree with this statement "Exercise is a real Drag" and I know that I HAVE to do it to be successful with this weight loss but I just wish that I could find some sort of exercise that I could really find fun. I just don't know what that could be, does anyone out there have any suggestions? I know from past experience that I can go to the gym daily and do weights, and machine and ellipticals but after a while it becomes so boring and such a chore and so redundant. I guess I need to find a way to mix it up a bit so that I don't grow to dislike it so much. So I guess this should be my next main focus to find some exercise routines that I can stick with !!

Otherwise things are going well. I am not having any troubles at all with eating, I have been trying new foods and so far so good. I still have the beef restriction, along with rice, pasta and white flours but that is actually only for another 2 weeks and then I can slowly start to add them in. I have to be honest and say that I am really looking forward to a bite of hamburger..

I hope everyone had a happy & safe holiday weekend.

Take Care.. MEchele

Friday, July 4, 2008

I knew it.. Weight day week 9

Well I had a sneaky feeling that this weeks weigh-in was gonna be a dissappointing one and I was very right.

Last week weight loss - 5lbs for a total of 61lbs lost

This week..... weight Gain +2lbs... total weight loss 59lbs.

Boy that sure sucks !!!! I knew that most likly I was not gonna lose any weight but I did not really expect to gain 2 lbs. I mean I really thought those days would be over. But I guess that is just not correct. I mean I know that being on my cycle right now is probably the culprit but still it was upseting to see that number this morning. But I am sure this is just a temporary thing and i need to stay focused on the long term results. I bet next week will see big numbers, at least I hope. I have heard of people who plateau out very early in the surgery because there body is just trying to re-adjust to what is going on and after a few weeks the weight loss starts to kick in again.

Tomorrow is the mock race training to get ready for the race on July 12th. It should be interesting.

Sorry for such a short post this morning my brain is just not functioning to well yet.

Everyone please have a SAFE & HAPPY HOLIDAY !!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

"One foot in front of the other"

That is what my sister said to me today when I was whining to her about how much I really do not like to walk/run. After a 4 day recovery from my little excursion last Saturday (seriously my calves are still actually sore today) I decided to suck it up this morning and see what I can do. I did 1-1/2 miles at a fast walk/slow jog.. I did about every other mailbox on my road as a slow jog. I am sure I did not break any records, however I did break a sweat, and at least I did it. The shoes I bought seemed to help and I made sure that I decreased my stride to avoid any shin pain but seriously if my stride gets any smaller I will be going backwards. I really am feeling the pressure to be able to keep up with all my fellow runners. Not because they put pressure on me but because I put pressure on myself. This Saturday we are doing a Mock race to get ready for the big day on July 12th. It will be myself, Rena', Healthier Chelle and her friend Leigh.. I know all the other 3 are really working on there running skills if not already doing 8.5 minute miles (Chelle) and I don't want to be the one to slow them down. In my crazy mind it is very embarrassing not to be able to keep up, specially when it comes to physically activities, I guess I just have to remember that I was never an athlete growing up, and it does not happen overnight. My interests growing up were always doing other things, Outdoors things that involved hunting, fishing or riding the 3-wheeler, you know country girl type stuff. I can lift 100lbs without batting an eye yet can't seem to run a 100 yard dash faster then an average turtle. But I guess with all things it just takes time, I am looking forward to being able to reflect back at this post in a couple of months and seeing just how far I come and I hope that I can continue to stay motivated enough to continue on with this training.

Also, if there is anyone reading who would like to join us on Saturday for our mock race please send me an email. The more the merrier and afterwards we can cool off and relax in my pool.

See ya back here tomorrow for weight day, but I am not to excited about this one since I will probably have water weight gain but keep your fingers crossed.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Energy.. or lack of it.

***Warning.. all male readers .. Female topic to be discussed. ***

Since having my surgery my monthly cycle has been kinda of screwed up. This month my enemy arrived early and with it brought major havoc. The cramps have been terrible and it seems like all my energy has been totally zapped right out of me. Yesterday I felt like I ran a marathon just walking to the mailbox. This, of course, does not help when I really need to be doing some training for my 5k on July 12th. I actually had to lay down during the day and rest and for those of you who know me that is something I never, ever do. I have heard that some people who have the gastric bypass surgery do suffer from anemia specially when on their cycle, and that could very much explain the lack of energy that I am having and at one point yesterday I actually got very dizzy. I, however, am not gonna worry to much about it unless it continues. Besides doing the 5k on Saturday Morning this past weekend I really worked hard outside and I may have just over done it some and my body is trying to catch up.

Otherwise things are going well. I have some more pictures that I have uploaded so please check them out. In 2 of the pictures I put on the same black outfit that I wore at my sister wedding, I was kinda disappointed that it does not show a dramatic difference in the picture but if you could see what I see, when wearing them again, you would know that there is a big difference.. The pants are way too big now and I can actually pull them on and off without undoing the buttons or zipper before I actually had to buy a girdle to put under it to make sure everything fastened up ok.

Hope everyone has a great day...