Thursday, August 28, 2008

Weigh day Week 17

Well I am getting closer and closer to the 100lb mark.. Will I make it by Sept 10th? I guess time will tell.

Last weeks weight loss -4 lbs
For a Grand Total of -86lbs

This weeks weight loss -4 lbs
For a Grand total of -90 lbs GONE!!!

Whoot, whoot. Happy Dance.. Another 10lb threshold crossed. So that leaves 10lbs to go to the 100 lb mark. That is 10lbs in 11 days though, I am thinking that I am not gonna make it but hey I am pretty darn close and will continue to give it my best efforts!!

Well the worst has finally started to happen. The day I dreaded and hoped would never come. My hair has started to fall out. I was/am so upset by it. I was so hoping that it would not happen and when I was in the clinic for my appt last week they asked me about it, I said everything seemed fine so far but I also had said that I really did not know what to look for. They informed me that once it started to fall out I would know, that there would be no mistaking it and they were right!!! I was in the shower and sure enough when I started washing my hair it was coming out, enough that my drain clogged and it was all over my hands and body. I also notice it now that when I comb my hair or run my hands through it I have a whole lot of hair coming out with it.. Very upsetting as my hair has always been what I considered my best feature. I sure hope that it does not last too long, I hate the thought of having to cut my hair because of the thinning. Today I went out and bought some vitamins that are specially for hair, the vitamins have the extra B-12 and Biotin that I need and I am really gonna try to keep up with my protein, as lack of protein is also a big factor in why your hair falls out.

I have also decided that I need to really start keeping better track of my food and protein intake. I know that there are online food journals that can be done so I am gonna see if I can find one that will work for me and start posting daily as to my intake. I am supposed to be getting between 60-80 grams of protein a day(now that my hair is going it has to be increased to 80-120 grams) and I am sure that I probably am NOT getting that much but because I don't keep better track of my intake it is hard to say where I am at. So that is why I need to start staying on top of it better and believe me now that my hair is going I will do my absolute best to get it under control.

This weekend will be pretty uneventful, I have allot of stuff to work on around here as I am having the garage sale for a 2nd weekend as well as I need to start getting ready for my trip on Sept 10th. No extra money right now to be able to go away this weekend as well as the 10th. Not to mention Holiday traffic is always horrendous and something that I really just don't want to deal with.. I am perfectly fine to hang out here and get things done. I have friends who will be camping at a nearby campground on the lake so maybe I will take the boat over there for a day and have some water fun, not to mention I can ride my horses as they need to get in shape.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday weekend!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Well it only took a little over 24 hours

For the clinic to call me back about my blood work. They definitely had some new instructions for me as they were pretty concerned about my Vitamin A as it is very low compared to what it should be. She asked me if I was having any trouble with my eyes and well the answer to that is yes... I actually went out the other day and bought a bunch of dollar store reading glasses as I assumed that I was just getting old and needed them which I probably do anyways because I was having reading issues before but the problem had increased quite a bit after the surgery. So maybe the vitamin A will help the issue some. I was also told that I have to switch multi-vitamins to a different brand, one that has a little more Vitamin b in it and I have to switch over to a different calcium as the one I am taking now with the Vitamin d in it is not absorbing the way it should so my vitamin d is low also. That was actually very surprising to me considering how much sun I get and how much milk I drink and of course my protein was borderline low but she was not all to much worried about that one but I do need to increase my intake some. Gee it sounds like I am falling apart but that is not the case at all. It is just being that I am new to the surgery we have to make the adjustments as they come. eventually we will get it all ironed out and I will have a routine down. For now though we just have to keep plugging away. I asked the clinic where I was compared to others and she said other then her main concern the Vitamin A that I was doing just GREAT !!!! so that is good news.

Also I wanted to share with you that over the weekend you all know I had a garage sale. Well during that sale a couple came in and was looking at clothing. They mentioned to me that they just had WLS. I was like so did I, after talking a bit and comparing stories, we found that we had surgery just a couple weeks apart at the same place. (They were a husband and wife who did it together). It was very cool to share stories and talk about our successes. But what I really wanted to mention is this. When you decide to have this surgery it is NOT a quick fix and takes dedication and a will power to change your life and your way of eating and thinking about eating. This couple to me was a couple who, while I wish them the best, did not make the choice to have this surgery for the right reasons and I think they were only looking for that magic fix. The reason I say this is because as they were talking they said a few things that brought up instant red flags. For instance: the weight that they started at were very close to mine and they had not lost nearly as much weight as myself, that alone is not a big thing because everyone loses differently but the facts that they told me that they occasionally eat a bite of cookie ( and for us fat people you know when you say a bite of cookie you really mean you ate way more then that) and that they also had soda pop. Those two things tells me that they are NOT dedicated to losing the weight and most importantly keeping it off. It tells me that they are not looking to change there lifestyle and there way of thinking. I just really feel that they are setting themselves up to fail and that really is sad. This surgery will not help you if you are not committed to helping yourself and changing your ways!! I am proud to say that I have not had any sugars or any pop since 4/12/08 and I plan on continuing that for a very , very long time.. I mean heck I have come this far, had my guts rearranged so why on earth would I want to jeopardize it and you know what? It does not really even bother me all that much, the other day I went to a B-day party there was a big old cake and I was not the least bit tempted, while everyone ate cake I snacked on some watermelon and found that to be just as tasty if not more so. I guess the whole moral of this story is that I am just bringing this to your attention because if you are reading this and are thinking about having this surgery I want you to really think about the reasons you are doing it and be ready to make a total lifestyle change.

Take care everyone.... Talk to you Friday, weigh day !! MEchele

Monday, August 25, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

Well what a weekend!!! First off I would like to say congratulations to my sister Rena for completing her first Crim... 10 mile race thru Flint.. Very impressive to be able to run that long. I certainly could not do it. I myself just did the 1 mile walk with my family and that was fun.. Kinda made me feel bad about not doing something a little bit more challenging but when you add up all the walking you had to do to get from where you parked to the start of the race you pretty much completed a 5k.

This past week and weekend have been very busy and stressful. I had a big garage sale this weekend and will probably have it again next weekend. Did not get a whole lot of traffic as the bridge is out on my main road and traffic is being detoured but next weekend I will have it again and since it is a holiday I am sure there will be allot more people out and about.

The great thing about being busy of course is that I am super active and really working off the calories and what I hope to be pounds. I think this weekend if you add up all the walking and running around I did It probably equals a marathon.. My uncle was gone again so I had to go to his house twice a day and take care off all his chores too. So with the garage sale, the race, work, his chores and mine... I was busy, busy, busy.. and I am also tired, tired, tired..

I was finally able to get a copy of my blood work from the doctors office. And of course after all this the doctor did not order my protein level so I am still in the dark about where that is.. Makes me so mad that things just can't be done right. I am really upset with the after care program that the bariatric clinic has for there patients. They won't order the blood work even though they are the ones who want it. They make me order it from my primary doctor who in her defense did not do the surgery or even specialize in it so she is not really to blame and because of the friggin mountain of people who have to have there hands in it things get missed and messed up.. I really just do not understand why the bariatric clinic just can't order the blood work themselves so that it does not have to go through so many other channels to get to the place it needs to be. I am looking at my results and see that there are several things that are low ( Iron, HDL cholesterol, Vitamin A, & prealbumin not sure what that is) But being I am not a doctor I have no idea whether or not these things are something that need to be addressed or whether they are OK. There are also several things that are right on the border of being low but I guess I will have to wait and see what the clinic says. I called them and told them I was faxing the result over and that I expected a phone call ASAP, so we will see how long it takes for anyone to call.

Otherwise though I am feeling rather well. It continues to amaze me how little I eat. My sister in law who was here over the weekend is very tiny and such a light eater. It cracks me up that I am now the one who eats so very little and I mean little. Before I could eat 3 to her 1 and now It is the other way around. I just hope that someday I will be as little as she...

Well anyways better get moving this morning got a million things to do and what seems like so little time.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Friday, August 22, 2008

weigh day week 16

Hey there, Today is weight day and here are the results

Last week weight loss -2 lbs for a total of 82 lbs

This weeks weight loss is ....-4lbs

Grand total so far.......-86lbs

Yippie !!!!! I am getting pretty darn close to that 100 lb mark.. I wanted to reach it by Sept 10th and I am only 14 lbs away. Can I do it?? Not sure but I am giving it a darn good try. I got 19 days to lose it but if I don't I am still doing great and I won't let it bother me..( at least not too

Things have been going Ok. Been quite stressed lately over the economy and life in general ( mostly the economy) but I have not in anyway reverted to any stress eating. That is a good thing and even though I have been stressed out, I have been handling it all rather well. My moods have improved so much since the surgery that things are pretty much bouncing off of me. I am not losing any sleep, I am not stress eating or most importantly I am not shedding too many tears. . ( I hate being a cry baby) I am not sure exactly why things feel so much better but I do know that it does some how stem from having this surgery and losing weight. It could be that the lesser weight has allowed my hormones to return to normal or it could be that the lesser weight has allowed my drugs to finally start working the right way. Who knows but whatever the reason I am not complaining.

I am trying to get ready for a big garage sale this weekend but as usual my good intentions are not happening. I may have to put it off until next weekend. Too many things going on at once and the day just seems to slip by. Seems like it is always all or nothing, bored one week and then everything falls on the next.

Tomorrow, I am going to be doing a 1 mile walk at the Crim in Flint. I probably really should have done the 5k run but well to be blunt.. I just don't like it ! Running is not my thing. I would however, like to take the time to tell my sister Rena' GOOD LUCK tomorrow, she is actually running the Crim (10 mile race thru Flint) She has been training very hard for this event and should be very proud of herself!! I am sure she will do well.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.. Check back on Monday and see how everything went. I promise next week I will post more.

Take care, ME chele

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sorry Readers

I have been kinda busy the last few days and have been unable to post. I was up north all weekend and that was a decent time. Did a bit of fishing and hanging out with the family and the past two days seem to be a blur. I had to work my second job and then come home and do whatever needs to be done for the mortgage job and then try to get ready for my big garage sale this weekend. Which of course is not coming together all that smoothly but my nephew is here spending a few days with me so I am gonna be putting him to work big time.. He will probably not ever want to stay at my house again with as much work as he is gonna do but that is OK it is good for kids to learn the value of hard work.

I had my 3 month check up at the doctors this morning. Of course it is more like going on 4 months as I was delayed in making my appt. I was supposed to get the results of my blood work but of course you know doctors offices, they can never do what they say. My primary doctor assured me that she faxed over my lab results to the clinic. Of course, today when I was there they did not have them... Who dropped the ball I wonder. I get so annoyed at crap like that specially when you try and make sure it doesn't happen. So the moral of the story is that I wasted 2-1/2 -3hours in the doctors office to find out really nothing. Well I take that back I did find out about another little problem I have been having.. I have been having these dry heaving spells. I get no warning or nothing and out of the blue I will just start dry heaving. Very annoying specially when you have no warning at all. These spell come quickly and leave just as quickly and I had no idea why they have been happening.. Specially more frequently lately. The doctor seemed to be very puzzled by this fact as I have no pain, or that there was no eating pattern with it. She was very persistent in asking me questions about the problem and was able to figure it out. One of the questions she asked was about my burping.. Yes I burp allot now, Sometimes burp marathons and then she asked me about stress and yes I have been under some major stress lately. With that info she figured it out, I was actually quite impressed. But it seems that my esophagus is probably stretched out and well basically very flexible. When I get stressed the muscles in my body tense up, this could cause my esophagus to basically move or get tighter which then, and because of my stomach surgery, it can cause me to dry heave. After her bringing this up I started thinking about all the times that it has happened and she is right it has happened when I am stressed or worked up about something. So of course with that information there is not much I can do about it other then try not to get stressed. HA, easier said then done..

I also had to get weighed at the doctors today and was told that I am right on schedule with my weight loss. I have lost a total of 40% of the weight they think I need to lose or at least that their weight chart says I should weigh. Me, on the other hand, know that the weight chart is full of bologna and if I weighed what they say I should I would look terrible. I have a weight goal in mind and by my calculations I have officially passed the 1/2 way point... This makes me very happy.

Otherwise, my health is going great.. I feel better and look better and can't wait to keep shedding the pounds.. !! and no hair loss yet!!! Yippie!!!

Talk to you all soon, Mechele

Friday, August 15, 2008

weigh day Week 15

Hello All. Weigh day week 15 is here and I am pleasantly surprised. I really did not expect any loss since last week was so great

Last week weight loss -7 lbs for a total of 80lbs gone

This week weight loss -2 lbs for a new grand total of -82lbs.

Very cool !!

I have 18 more pounds to go before September 10th and I am confident that I will make it.. This is just a personal goal for me and of course I still have plenty of more pounds to go after that but for now this is what I am striving for.

Now, I am gonna move on and talk about something that is bothering me... and that is being disappointed by the people who supposedly care about you and that are your supposed friends. I am sure many of you have had this happen to you and it feels terrible, but doesn't there come a point when you have to say enough is enough. How many times can this person hurt me or screw me over before you are through....

Sometimes I feel like I should just start looking out for #1 because no one else is gonna do it. Sometimes I just lose faith in the whole human race and wonder what has happened to everyone. Now, of course, I know not everyone out there is like that, and I am certainly not perfect when it comes to stuff but I do generally try to be a nice person, I do try to be a person that will help someone no matter what and if I do make mistakes it is not intentional. I guess I just need to vent about this for moment because sometimes it seems like the world is just working against me.

Now you are probably wondering how this relates to my journey with weight loss and Gastric bypass. Well let me tell you how it ties in. I was a MAJOR stress eater, I used food as a crutch to get through my tough times, my emotional times. Food was never a disappointment to me and food never let me down. I realized yesterday after my crappy day that all I could think about was eating. All I wanted was a big old Halo Burger w/olives, fries and cheese sticks!! and that was just a stress reaction, I was not hungry and I certainly did not need to eat that kind of food.. and I didn't. I was able to resist the temptations of crap, eat sensibly and stop when I was full. I did not eat anything I wasn't supposed to nor did I do any late night grazing like I would have normally done before I had my surgery. I am grateful that the surgery has helped me control those old nasty habits and help me gain insight as to why I ate and got as large as I did.

Well I hope everyone has a great weekend. I am am going up-north this weekend with my family members to accomplish some outside work as well as have a bit fun. I hope you all have a great weekend and I will talk to you soon.

Take Care.. Mechele

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Saddle up !

Oh I was soooo excited last night. I had my friends Rich & Wayne coming over and we were going to go to the County Fair together. I asked them if they could watch me ride my horse T-bone for the first time. Tbone is a great horse but I have not ridden him in over a year because he tends to be a bit feisty and when I am too fat it is very hard for me to maintain my balance on him, so if he acts up I am gonna be on the ground and well I hate it when that happens. Anyways, Wayne being the gentlemen that he is offered to get on him first, he rode around the yard and tbone did very well, then it was my turn.. I immediately said that I needed my mounting block, I have never been able to get on my horses without one as hauling my large fat a$$ up has always been a challenge. Well Wayne said to me why don;t you just give it a try first without it. Of course, I had my doubts but I agreed anyways. I lifted my leg and was actually able to put my foot in the stirrup, this was a feat in itself as I was not able to do that before, I then attempted to get on and failed... This of course did not surprise me much. Wayne then said come on give it one more try and holy crap it was like god had his hands on my butt and lifted me up!!! My leg swung over and my butt was planted in the seat of my saddle!!! I was speechless and then the biggest smile came over my face... I know for some of you it might not seem like much but for me it was a huge accomplishment. My friend Rich asked me how long it had been since I was able to do that, my response was NEVER... I had never been able to do that while owning my own horses. I now no longer have to fear going out on my horses and worrying about what happens if I need to get off because I know that I can get back on. This is just so exciting to me and now I can't wait to keep saddling up and getting stronger. I am so looking forward now to my Horse riding trip to KY in September, I am anticipating that this will be a great one. One that I will actually enjoy to my fullest and I will not have any stresses in my mind about whether or not I will be able to keep up with all the other riders.

Afterwards we went to the county fair and that was sure a food tempting place. all those greasy, nasty, fatty foods!!.. and no matter how bad they are for you I sure still want to eat them!! and well I did eat some. Basically I would buy something or Rich and Wayne would buy something and I would take a bite so I could get the flavor and then I would give the rest to the guys to eat. SO I did not feel bad at all about what I ate and the funny thing is after I went home I still had kinda a sweet tooth. So I got me a couple of chunks of watermelon and that ended up being the best tasting thing I ate all night!! Amazing isn't it.. I would not have said that months ago.

Gee, I guess I had a pretty good evening last night and I hope that you all did too. Tomorrow morning I will not be able to post but be sure to check on Friday ( weigh Day) to see if I have made any other further progress. although I am not anticipating too much as I lost quite a bit last week.

Talk to you soon ..

Monday, August 11, 2008

New Pictures. Week 14

This is a week 9 picture

And this is a current picture ... What a difference already

Hey there, I have now downloaded some new pictures for you all to see. So just click on the link below and check them out. It is really cool to see the differences, but it is not really cool to see exactly where my problem areas are. I really am gonna have to concentrate on working out more, specially when it comes to my thighs, butt and triceps(underarms) or else I will be needing some serious plastic surgery in the future. I mean I already know I am gonna need some but a whole body lift was not in the picture nor is it in the, unless of course, me and my new slimmer bod meet Mr. Right who is also known as Mr. Filthy but anyways seriously I am gonna have to shape up or become a big blob of jello. My new theme song could definitely be.. "Watch it wiggle, see it Jiggle.." and I already refer to my underarms as Teradactyl Wings. Hey at least I got a sense of humor about it.

Well today's post is a short one .. Sorry.. Things are pretty busy this week and well it is hard for me to think of things to write about all the time. I am doing so well that there are not many things to complain about or focus on.. That is actually something I find surprising, I guess knowing that this surgery was a very risky one had me really expecting allot of complications and problems. I am so thankful that I am doing so well and so happy that I am getting closer and closer to my goal.

Talk to you all later..

Yippie,,,, another threshold crossed.

Hey all, I hope you had a great weekend.

Well I know that I said that I would not be weighing myself but once a week but well I had to cheat again... I knew since my numbers the past couple weeks have been very small that I was due for something big. So this weekend I weighed myself on Saturday night and was very pleasantly surprised but I was not gonna say anything because unless the number stays that way a couple of days it could be just a fluke.... Well sure enough I weighed myself this morning and I was even 1lb lighter then Saturday night so I know now that I have officially crossed the threshold and can safely announce the weight loss ... So here it is...

as of today August 11, 2008 I have lost another -4.5 lbs which brings me to a GRAND TOTAL of -80lbs!!! Yippie... I just LOVE IT when I cross another 10 lb threshold. My next goal is to be at my 100lb mark by Sept 10th, this is when I am going on my big Horse back riding trip, so that is 20 lbs in 30 days. I hope it is doable. I will at least give it my best shot.

I will be taking a couple of pictures today and will post them tomorrow for everyone to see. I realized it has been awhile since I took any so I thought today would be a good day. Which was also another reason why I weighed myself I wanted exact poundage for my new pictures.

Otherwise, things are going well. I did have a bit of problem Saturday. I am having a real hard time getting my bowel movements to regulate and this is creating quite a bit of havoc on my body.. When I go to the clinic for my next appointment I will be sure to ask about this as I am sure I am not the only one to have this problem.

Everyone have a great Monday and be sure to check back tomorrow for some new pictures.

Talk to you soon MEchele

Thursday, August 7, 2008

weigh day week 14 & a sweet tooth

Well here are the results !!!!

last weeks weight loss -1 lb

This weeks weight loss -2.5 lbs

for a grand total of -75.5lbs

2.5lbs I really am kinda disappointed with that number. I thought that it would be a little bit bigger but I guess any loss is better then a gain. I have been feeling really bloated the last couple of days which is odd so maybe that has something to do with it. Hopefully next week will be better.

Well I have to say as time goes by I am finding that I am more and more starting to crave sweet things. The first couple of months this was not an issue at all, now I am finding it harder to ignore. I see people eat all kinds of cakes and cookies and and it is getting difficult to resist however I keep telling myself that I am NOT able to eat that stuff. I am trying to treat sugar like it is an illness, that if I eat it I will die or something.. That is the only way I know how to keep myself in check. I know that there are allot of things that are Sugar free out there but I am really trying hard not to indulge myself in them too much.. I am afraid that once I find out that they are good and taste sweet I will not be able to eat just one, and no matter what it is, whether it is sugar free or not if you eat more then you should you will gain back all the weight you lose and that is something I will not let happen. I have, however, indulged myself in one little treat and that is Sugar free ice cream.. Ice cream has always been one of my most favorite things. I am very good about limiting my intake of it though and only allow myself a small portion. 1/2 cup maybe at most and only very occasionally .. It has helped some in getting rid of my cravings and it actually has some protein in it which is good.. (Just trying to justify it a

Speaking of protein I am getting very nervous about what my blood work is gonna say.. It should be making its way to the clinic here soon if not already. I am thinking my protein level are gonna be low and I am gonna get a big lecture, not to mention I think my hair has started falling out some. It seems like it is thinner then it was and I notice that I find more then normal floating around.. but then again because I am so worried about my hair falling out I could be looking a tad too close and what I am seeing is really the norm I just never paid that close attention before. I really hope that is the case, I mean I can afford to lose some but I don't really want to .

Well I guess that is it for now, I am off to my second job.. not really liking it too much but I gotta do what I gotta do. The good thing about it though is that I am really active while there, I do allot of walking and such so that is a good way to get the metabolism flowing .

Hope you all have a great weekend.. Talk to you again on Monday !!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bad Moods

Have you all ever just woke up in the morning in a bad mood? That was me yesterday, but it has actually been a long time since I woke up in such a bad mood and I am crediting my surgery for that and I am thankful. I think the weight loss has really helped out on keeping my hormone levels under control as well as allowing my anti-depressant drugs to work better which is why my bad mood days are getting fewer and far between. People do not realize that being over weight has a BIG effect on a persons hormone levels and it really throws you off balance mentally and physically. When you have high hormone levels due to obesity many things happen. Your mood swings are crazy, you get depressed, which makes you eat more, you retain water/bloat and it even effects your skin coloring and acne. I have to say that my nasty acne problem has really cleared up allot and now that it has cleared up and that I have my summer tan going my skin looks so much better then it did before.. I really look much healthier and I even have had many people comment about it. So that makes me feel really good.

Also, with the losing the weight and getting my levels in check I really am getting in better control of my emotions. For a while there I would cry at the drop of a hat over anything and that was really something that drove me nuts.. I mean I would be driving down the road and start to think about something that might have happened 25 years ago and start bawling like a baby or I would be sitting in front of the TV and start crying over a Kleenex commercial or a Little house on the Prairie re-run . I am supposed to be the tough guy and I hated that I was turning into a big cry baby, so I am very pleased that I am now returning to normal. That my mood is just becoming very mellow and that I am not obsessing and driving myself crazy over whatever worry I have at the moment and half the time the worries I was obsessing about were not even my Don't get me wrong though I still stress & worry, specially right now when it comes to money but I am much more in control of it then I was before and for this I am very thankful.

I am so glad that I had this surgery and so far I have absolutely no regrets!! it has been so good for me and I am so excited to continue on with this journey and look forward to even more positive changes in the future.

Take care everyone, Talk to you soon

Sunday, August 3, 2008

What a weekend

I had a good weekend and hope you all did too.. As I am losing weight it is amazing how much easier things are to do. I am more eager to go out and do things fun and to go out and actually work outside without feeling like I am gonna die, Specially in the hot weather. Being overweight makes hot weather unbearable. While I still don't like hot weather(I always said I should live in Alaska) the more weight that comes off makes the hot weather just a bit more tolerable and I am able to work outside much better then before, not to mention as the weight has come off it makes doing things outside much more easier. For instance, just getting on the riding lawn mower was a big chore before not to mention that fact that when I was on it I felt like I was this huge person on this itty, bitty machine. Now I am feeling like it is more proportionate and the lawn mower even seems to drive faster now that the weight load is not so much. I am also finding that I am able to be more flexible, jump around more and really get into my work outside without the pain in my knees when I have to get up and down too much or the pain in my feet because I had been on them to long. This is very cool for me as I really like doing outdoors things. This weekend I had borrowed my uncles John Deere and did allot of work with it, brush hogging, moving rocks, cleaning my barn.., It felt great and I felt like just a good ole country girl. Even sang the theme song to Green Acres a few I even got brave enough and wore a tank top around the property to work on my tan.. Of course, still not brave enough to do that in public but hey baby steps here.

I did get stung by a bee this weekend and for those of you who don't know I am allergic and being stung just causes me big grief. I was a little worried about giving myself the Epie pen shot as I was not sure if my surgery would effect anything but it was fine thankfully. I am actually grateful that this was my first sting of the year. Last year by this time I was on #5 or 6 so I guess that means the new exterminator I hired is doing a much better job then the old one.

This week will hopefully be a good one for me, I of course, have plans to get lots of things done and if I accomplish at least 25% of them I will be happy.

Take care , And I will talk to you all later...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Weigh day week 13

Well I knew today's weigh day was not gonna be the greatest but at least I did not gain anything from last week.

Week 13weight loss -1lb
Total weight loss to date -73lbs

It is amazing how life monthly friend can create havoc on your body, while I am at least down 1lb from last week I am up 1 lb from Tuesday. But I am not gonna freak out about it as I know it will be gone and next week weigh day will be a pretty good one...

This weekend will be a busy one, I as always, have a ton of work to do outside as well as I am taking care of my uncles horses over the weekend so I will be staying pretty darn active and will be working off a few calories.

yesterday I did finally go and get my blood work done. The lady doing the blood draw told me she had a bypass over 8 years ago and was doing wonderfully. She had lost over 125lbs and looked great. I can;t wait to be a success story like that, although I am hoping for just a tad bit more in the weight loss dept.

Anyways, gotta get to work this am.. Talk to you again Monday !!