Tuesday, June 24, 2008

2 months gone already

Can you believe it ?? 2 months have already gone by since my surgery. It seems like I waited forever for that day to come and now here it has come and gone and I have been well on my road to recovery. Looking back the past 2 months I have really come a long ways. I really feel like I am coping well with my decision and am so lucky that I have had no major set backs or side effects. My eating, of course, is so much different now then it was back when. I really feel like I made the right decision for myself, this surgery has forced me to do what I have been trying to do for years and that is too get control of my eating. As I have progressed thru the last 2 months it is amazing to me that I can live on eating 1/8th of what I used to eat. It really feels good to be the one who is the slow eater now, to be the one who does not eat as much as the next person, to get that take out container from a restaurant and end up throwing it away uneaten. For example I went out to eat today for lunch and ordered a Turkey/bacon sandwich on wheat bread, I ate 1/4 of it and was completely satisfied, I watched people eat burgers & fries and none of it really bothered me too much. I was pretty happy with my sandwich, so that leads me to believe that I am also learning to make better food choices. ( on a side note I have not had french fries in 2-1/2 months. That by itself is a miracle) But I am looking forward to when I can eat beef, as I do miss it alot.

Now that I am at the 8 week mark my food options have increased to included salads, fresh fruits and raw veggies. I still, however, have to wait another month to try out rice & pasta along with beef but being that time is going by so fast I am sure that it will be here before I know it.

Once again I would like to Thank you all for supporting me on this new journey, it does help to know that I have such a strong support system backing me up and I so look forward to sharing my continued success with you all.

Take care, MEchele


Healthy Chelle said...

I know what you mean about the fries! Girl, the longer you go without them, to less you'll desire to have them!

See you in a few weeks!

Anonymous said...

That is such good news Michele!!! Keep up the good work....and again I am SO PROUD OF YOU ON YOUR EVERYDAY ACHIEVEMENTS and NEW DISCOVERIES of YOURSELF. Keep up the great work!!!