Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Roll Reversal.

Yesterday, I met with my friend in the afternoon and she asked if I wanted to go for a drink and to get something to eat. I said that was fine but told her that I was unable to drink, which of course was no problem to her. My friend, whom I love to death, has always been the skinny one and when we would go out it would always be I who ate the most and I who usually drank the most. This time, however, it was the complete opposite. We went to Mr. B's Pub and I ordered a water while she had a rum & coke, when looking at the menu I told her if she wanted to share something that would be fine as I can't eat much anyways. Then it hit me, I actually went to a restaurant and wanted to share a meal.. I NEVER would have done that before.. I used to be very much protective over my food for lack of better explanation. I never wanted to share anything, unless it was appetizers before the meal. For some reason, no matter what the circumstances I always was scared that there would not be enough food to go around if I had to share it with anyone, even growing up up and living at home I would buy food and hide it, or on the way home I would stop at Burger King and get a bunch of stuff, hide it in other bags or my purse and eat it in secret in my bedroom. I have no idea why it is that I did that stuff and really it is kinda stupid on my part but that is just how I thought, I am sure there is some sort of physcological explanation but I really don't want to spend the money on a shrink to find out..I am hoping to do it on my own so I guess I will start now. .... Hi, my name is MEchele, and I am a food Hoard and a closet eater.

But anyways I seem to have gotten off track with my original thought. At the restaurant she & I ended up splitting a chicken Quesadeas(SP?), It was me who only ate 1 small piece and she had the rest and it was her who had the alcoholic beverages while I had none and sipped on some water. My friend has always been a very lite eater and for the very first time in the roughly 35 years that I have known her I was the one who was eating & drinking less. Not because I was trying to pretend that I was not a pig but because I actually did NOT want to eat much and that I was full when I ate the small amount that I did. ... talk about role reversal and this is one roll I hope to continue to play.

On a side note, my friends father is very ill and if you could say a prayer to offer comfort to him & his family I am sure it would be greatly appreciated..

Take care everyone and talk to you soon..


Cheri said...

I'm glad to hear things are going so great for you! Its been a while since I've been able to get onto your blog and see what you've been up to.

I'll keep your friend's family in my thoughts and prayers!

Cheri- Healthier Chelle's friend

Anonymous said...


I am so proud of you for your new discoveries and understanding of what you did and how you are constantly changing. I can not wait to see you each time and see the differences each week. Keep it up!!!!! Go Girl!!!