Thursday, June 5, 2008

I need to vent a little

I need to vent just a little. Now mind you it will probably seem like I am complaining and really that is not the case because I chose the surgery and even knowing what I do now I would still do it all over again but I want to vent anyways. You would think that having the surgery would save you some money since you are no longer eating out at fast food or any other type of restaurant, no longer spending money on crap food at the grocery store and you would think because you eat so little that the food you did buy would last you way longer then it would have before the surgery , I mean for example a can of soup is like 4-5 meals for me. But the reality is that I am spending about the same amount as I was before because of all the supplements that I have to buy and boy who knew that vitamins and proteins were so expensive. I guess what really got me ticked off was that I went to GNC last night to see about what other kind of protein options were available for me and of course the salesperson was a big ole bulked up young 20 something year old, hot stud, the kind of guy I looked at from a far at that age because he would have never even gave me a 2nd glance. But anyways, I told him what I was looking for and he proceeded to tell me everything different from what the clinic tells me to do so he was basically no help. So I looked around some and found one of the things on my list. It is a bottle of a juice that has 40g of protein in it and would you believe that this one bottle cost $4.89 and technically I would need to drink 2 of them a day. But that is not even what really bother me so much, it was when I went to pay for the 2 bottles (each a different flavor to try out) and the guy proceeds to tell me that if I spend $15.00 on a discount card that I can use it to get 20% off my products now and in the future that by having the card, the 1st 7 days of the month I can get 20% off any product in the store.. WHY is it that stores can't just lower the darn prices, you know that they are making money even with the 20% discount... Now let's talk about my medicine, I had to get a refill on some prescriptions that I need for my stomach and my mental health. $89.00 later (after my insurance paid 50%) I got my drugs.. a 30 day supply of my stomach pill alone were $2.30 each for one pill ( previcid) .. Now tell me that someone ain't making some serious money on this. Boy I really feel for people who don't have insurance specially the senior citizens who just can't afford to pay for there drugs..

OK enough about that I just had to spout off for a minute. Thankfully the prescriptions I will hopefully not need in the future anyways. My nausea is still here but it is just something that comes on quickly now and leave just as quickly, I am learning how to deal with it when it happens, a couple of deep breaths and mind over matter and it goes away, so this is a good thing but I will be happy when it goes away for good. My sleep is getting some what better then it was, some nights I do really well and sleep most all the way thru the night and other nights not so well. But it is getting better then it was so I am thankful for that.

Porter & I went again for a very long walk in the park yesterday, I decided last night that next week I am gonna start my water aerobics classes again and I look forward to doing that, I have always like the water and it is much easier on the joints. I figure that it will be a good way to start working my way up to more strenuous exercise as my weight decreases. When I get my pool put up this year I will be able to do my water exercises right at home.. not to mention that I will be able to start riding my horses again very soon and believe it or not that is very good exercise for me and for my horses, and they need it bad since they have been so lazy the past winter months and this spring since I have not been able to ride.

Well tomorrow is weigh day once again and I am not sure what to expect, I don't feel any bigger or smaller this week and lord knows I don't want to get my hopes up for a big weight loss and then have there be nothing so I will just go with the flow because no matter what it says tomorrow this weight will come off eventually I just have to have patience. So be sure to check back in tomorrow.

See you then..

PS. I have 5 baby chicks now and maybe 4 more to come...

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