Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Stand BACK ...My belly is gonna BLOW!!!!!

Well Another couple days gone and one step further in my journey. I keep thinking everyday will get just a little bit better. However, today was not one of those days!!! I am sooooooooo full a gas that my belly looks like I am gonna pop out a 12 year old kid!.. I was joking around and said that I could be a suicide bomber without having to use the aid of an actual bomb, just poke my belly and I will probably take out a full city block..lol ... Hey I told you that this was gonna be an honest blog and I was gonna write about everything.

Anyways, I went to the bariatric Clinic today for a post op check and things are going very well. I got all of my stitches and staples out so that gives me a little relief and I met with the dietitian. The dietitian said that I was doing everything as I should be, which for me is something to be very proud of, I am not normally one of those people who ever listens to what the doctors say but when I decided to have this surgery I told myself I had to be committed to doing everything by the book, and I am. The dietician gave me a new menu plan and in a couple of days I will be able to add new things to my diet. Right now I am only allowed liquids, or very soft foods such as cottage cheese or yogurt and only 1-2 oz at a time but in a few days I can graduate to some Applesauce, 1 cracker, mashed potatoes or mushy vegtables. I know it sounds like barely anything and by my old standards it is barely anything but it does fill me up as my stomach is now only about the size of a grape.

Afterwards I had to go to the super walmart to get a prescription and walked around the store. BOY all the food temptations that are there, however, I was very surprised at how very few of them effected me. I really have no appetite for anything right now and have to be reminded to eat as it is. The only thing that I would have loved to sample some of was the ice cream, I am a sucker for ice cream!! but for now I must be happy with the Sugar free Popsicles that I am allowed and in time with moderation I will be able to eat more but the difference will be that I will eat to live rather then live to eat!!

Also, now that I have been home I have been able to re-read some emails , cards and comments that I received while I was in the hospital. Re-reading these while I am not on drugs makes it much easier to comprehend..lol.. Many people wrote to me about having the courage to do this surgery and to make this change in my life. I got to thinking though, that everyone needs courage, everyday in their life and not just when you are under stress or have something life changing going on, so I thought it would be a great idea to share a quote on courage with you every time I blog, maybe they will give you some daily inspirations or just a thought to ponder.

Today's Quote of the Day by one of my favorite people..

"Courage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyway." - John Wayne


Simple Creeed Youth Ministry said...

I am a friend of Michelle Castanos. She let us know that you were writing a blog and today I finally checked it out and I am so glad everything is going alright with you. I am excited to read about your journey and your sense of humor is great! Have a great day and I look forward to reading future blogs.

Healthy Chelle said...

Love the quote of the day idea!

Hope the gas is passing!!

Love you girlie!

Anonymous said...

Michelle, i am so proud of you!!! i know how hard everything is right now....but it will be SOOOOOOOO worth it in the end!!! Keep up the good work!!! and we will have to get some new pics of you soon. love ya, jamie

Cheri said...

I'm glad to hear that things are going so well for you! Good luck on the graduating to the applesauce, I could eat that stuff for days!!

Cheri, Michelle Castanos's friend