Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Internet dating

Do any of you single people out there do that.. I have decided that being my new found semi-confidence that I would attempt to get back into the dating scene and the reason I say Semi confidence is because I still have issue with how I look but I am getting better.

It has been awhile since I dated or even attempted to date and that has basically been nobodies fault but my own. I have had no self confidence in myself and quite frankly did not want to have to deal with the hurtfulness of others. I just could not deal with rejections. I know everyone always says that if people can't see your inner beauty then they are not worth knowing but come on .. be real.. I know that for the most part that looks do mean allot to people and well if I certainly could not stand myself and my looks how on earth could I expect someone else too. I live in the real world of hurt and rejections from people and let me tell you it is not fun and way more common then most average weight or thin people think. But anyways I have taken the plunge and signed up for a couple of singles sites. Who knows if anything will come from it and I will certainly make sure I weed out the weirdos and I can tell you that there have been a couple of them already. I just don't get how anyone who starts off by telling me that they think I am sexy and could be the one for them by viewing one picture and a profile read is really got all his brain functions..lol.. but I am gonna keep the faith that if I am a nice person who is mostly a sane individual and not a crazy stalker and really genuinely trying to find someone who could be the one, then I must believe that there are other "normal" people out there trying to do the same. So we will see how it goes and just take it day by day.. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

I also need to really get focused on my eating.. I feel like I am out of control and need to take back control. I have been going out to eat quite often and It needs to stop. While I still have not ate any sugar or pop or fast food for that matter. Restaurant food is not always a great choice either. I am thinking that I need to go back to the beginning and kind of do a couple of days with nothing but my protein shakes and liquid diet stuff, so that I can get myself back on track as well as possibly jump start the weight loss not to mention get on an actual exercise routine and stick with it.

Well anyways I guess that is all for now. I best get on with my day and make it a productive one.

Talk to you soon Mechele


Allan said...

I got yelled at once for suggesting what you are doing, about going back to the start of the plan. My insides are "normal" and I am going back to phase one tomorrow. Too much crap also. Check with the Dr. first about your wiring. It makes sense, but who knows after surgery what is right except the Dr. As for dating, go to a local bar, sit down alone, no other girls, and enjoy the attention. It will come, trust me, it will

Healthy Chelle said...

Allan is right, the attention will definitely come. May I suggest, instead of the bar, hang out in the produce section of the supermarket and keep an eye out for a man who is looking at healthy foods - OR - keep on going to your grainery and horse auctions and stuff and find yourself a COWBOY!