Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sorry Readers

I have been kinda busy the last few days and have been unable to post. I was up north all weekend and that was a decent time. Did a bit of fishing and hanging out with the family and the past two days seem to be a blur. I had to work my second job and then come home and do whatever needs to be done for the mortgage job and then try to get ready for my big garage sale this weekend. Which of course is not coming together all that smoothly but my nephew is here spending a few days with me so I am gonna be putting him to work big time.. He will probably not ever want to stay at my house again with as much work as he is gonna do but that is OK it is good for kids to learn the value of hard work.

I had my 3 month check up at the doctors this morning. Of course it is more like going on 4 months as I was delayed in making my appt. I was supposed to get the results of my blood work but of course you know doctors offices, they can never do what they say. My primary doctor assured me that she faxed over my lab results to the clinic. Of course, today when I was there they did not have them... Who dropped the ball I wonder. I get so annoyed at crap like that specially when you try and make sure it doesn't happen. So the moral of the story is that I wasted 2-1/2 -3hours in the doctors office to find out really nothing. Well I take that back I did find out about another little problem I have been having.. I have been having these dry heaving spells. I get no warning or nothing and out of the blue I will just start dry heaving. Very annoying specially when you have no warning at all. These spell come quickly and leave just as quickly and I had no idea why they have been happening.. Specially more frequently lately. The doctor seemed to be very puzzled by this fact as I have no pain, or that there was no eating pattern with it. She was very persistent in asking me questions about the problem and was able to figure it out. One of the questions she asked was about my burping.. Yes I burp allot now, Sometimes burp marathons and then she asked me about stress and yes I have been under some major stress lately. With that info she figured it out, I was actually quite impressed. But it seems that my esophagus is probably stretched out and well basically very flexible. When I get stressed the muscles in my body tense up, this could cause my esophagus to basically move or get tighter which then, and because of my stomach surgery, it can cause me to dry heave. After her bringing this up I started thinking about all the times that it has happened and she is right it has happened when I am stressed or worked up about something. So of course with that information there is not much I can do about it other then try not to get stressed. HA, easier said then done..

I also had to get weighed at the doctors today and was told that I am right on schedule with my weight loss. I have lost a total of 40% of the weight they think I need to lose or at least that their weight chart says I should weigh. Me, on the other hand, know that the weight chart is full of bologna and if I weighed what they say I should I would look terrible. I have a weight goal in mind and by my calculations I have officially passed the 1/2 way point... This makes me very happy.

Otherwise, my health is going great.. I feel better and look better and can't wait to keep shedding the pounds.. !! and no hair loss yet!!! Yippie!!!

Talk to you all soon, Mechele

1 comment:

Allan said...

I love that you speak your mind. Keep up the effort, and the gauntlet has been set, the game is on. I accept the challenge you laid out. Please also understand that I have posted a hundred times that I am in awe of someone that goes the surgery route and I am sure you will succeed. The prize for the bet ? Need to determine something good..