Monday, July 21, 2008

my life is becoming more active

I just hope I can make myself keep up.. It has seemed that the more weight I lose, the more I am wanting to do.. That of course is a good thing. My problem, however, is that I want to do fun things rather then work things.. But I guess who wouldn't prefer fun over work. I have planned a cool trip to a Wranglers campground in KY. We are going to meet my cousins Brent & Joyce there for a long weekend. ( Healthier Chelle be sure to come to if you can Sept 11-14th) I am bringing my horses and am really looking forward to it. This will actually be my first major horse trip ever.. I have allot of work to do between now and then not to mention I better try and save some money or I won't be going at all. ( Big Garage sale to be announced)

This weekend was pretty good if you take out the rain part of it. My brother & his family came over and we went fishing.. Of course it was redneck fishing.. We got this brilliant idea that we would launch my moms boat in my pond out back and go fishing, now for those of you who don't know My pond is not that big, the boat was not even able to turn around in the pond, you either had to go in reverse or forward.. it was too funny.. Just picture it, this 16' fiberglass boat in the middle of this little pond with 4 people in it fishing.. Talk about redneck !! But hey I caught the biggest

As for my good intentions.. I wrote last week that my good intention was to get my house cleaned. I had a bunch of issues pop up that day but I did get my house pretty clean, I ended up staying up till about 130 am to do it but at least I got it done...However you would not know it now, as a clean house does not seem to last long with me. My next good intention is a big one.. and this is gonna be a 2 day good intention and that is to get the front flower beds of my house weeded, they are absolutely full of weeds and my mother is gonna kill me if she see its. So this is a MUST DO intention.. It was suggested to me by leigh Ann that accountability is a good way to get intentions accomplished. SO by me telling you about my intentions it forces me to get them done as I certainly don't want to look like a schmuck to you my readers.

I hope everyone had a great weekend... Talk to you soon


Allan said...

Pictures are fantastic. Congrats on a great new life. It takes a lot of guts, sorry bout that, to do what you have done and I wish you only happiness. I will continue to lurk and want to see more great results...

Healthy Chelle said...

How's the weeding going?